Proposed Bylaws Changes 2024

Voting closed at 11:59 PM Eastern Time on May 16, 2024.



Quorum: As per our bylaws, one-tenth of the voting members of International ACAC must participate in the vote to have a quorum.

  • 712 of 3341 eligible voters participated, constituting 21.3% of voting members. The quorum was met.


Votes Required for Approval: As per our bylaws, two-thirds (66.6%) of the votes submitted must be in favor of a motion in order for it to pass.

  • For either of the motions proposed to pass, the motion must have received a minimum of 475 votes in favor of the motion.


Voting via electronic ballots began on May 2 and closed on May 16. To ensure access to all voting members, ballots were sent on May 2 to the email address saved in each member's profile. More information is available at the links below.

Legal counsel was provided notice of proposed motions and confirmed no legal concerns should the motions be passed. 

Proposed Bylaws Change 1

Title: Amendments for Inclusivity and Expanded Participation in International ACAC 

Not Approved. The proposed changes to Article I of the bylaws will not take effect and the existing terms of Article I remain unchanged.

Vote tally of 712 votes submitted: 451 (63.4%) voted Yes; 226 (31.7%) voted No; 35 (4.9%) Abstained


Please review details about the proposed bylaw changes in the following document:

2024 Proposed Bylaws Change 1: Amendments for Inclusivity and Expanded Participation in International ACAC


Proposed Bylaws Change 2

Title: Amendment Proposal: Eliminating NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling) Membership Requirement for Executive Board Service 

Approved. The proposed changes to Article 3, Section 3 take effect immediately; the proposed wording is to be updated at this time. 

Vote tally of 712 votes submitted: 528 (74.2%) voted Yes; 150 (21.0%) voted No; 34 (4.8%) Abstained


Please review details about the proposed bylaw changes in the following document:

2024 Proposed Bylaws Change 1: Amendment Proposal: Eliminating NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling) Membership Requirement for Executive Board Service