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#WelcomeHome Photo Challenge


For many of us, “home” can be a place where we rest our heads or the people that we know and love. Home can also be your place of work or where your fondest memories were made. As an international community, the depth of how we define “home” is a testament to our organization’s unique and rich identity. How do you define home? Whether it’s your hometown or your amazing colleagues…let’s hear it, International ACAC! Share with us what home means to you through our #WelcomeHome Photo Challenge

In an effort to highlight community and get excited for the 2024 Conference, we are encouraging members to submit their #WelcomeHome photos! See some of our member submissions below. 


Jump to the country:




Campinas, Brazil

Submitted: Nicole Riberio, Colegio Planck

Brazil 1



London, Ontario, Canada

When I was a kid I was a picky eater. I didn’t like to eat my vegetables. At one point my mom got very concerned and started pureeing vegetables and putting them in soups I did like. (She only revealed this trick years later, and when she did I immediately understood why I drink veggie smoothies to this day). Because she had to take care of five kids on top of a full-time job, it was a challenge to select dinners that made all five of us happy without disappointing at least one of us. Many a time one of the five would be at the dinner table long after the rest of the family left, in order to finish up their bête noire entrée of the week. Sometimes I would be the lucky one whose favourite entrée would be on the menu that evening. In my case this was Campbell’s Tomato Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. (Everyone liked the grilled cheese, but I had at least one sibling who did not like tomato soup).

In any case, between the tomato soup and the surreptitious pureeing of my veggies, I thrived and my mom did not worry about me getting enough to eat.

So far, so good.

One day, when I was about six, my mom and I were in a Spencer’s gift shop [do they still have these? I wonder]. On the shelves, I spied a cup complete with the Campbell’s Tomato Soup logo. [I was not aware of the artist Andy Warhol, and what he had done back in the day with Campbell’s Tomato Soup and art]. Immediately, the sight of that cup rocked my world. How awesome and aligned my entire existence would be if I could enjoy my Campbell’s Tomato Soup IN a Campbell’s Tomato Soup CUP!

I asked my mom if we could get the cup. The answer was no, that’s not what we were in the shop for. Plan A had failed.

I proceeded to put Plan B into effect. We were months away from Christmas, and I decided to write a letter to Santa to ask for the cup for Christmas. I wrote the letter, something along the lines of “Dear Santa, I’ve been a very good girl this year. All I want for Christmas is a Campbell’s Tomato Soup cup so I can drink my soup from it.”

My mom reviewed my letter for content and clarity, then asked me, “Are you sure that’s all you want to ask Santa for Christmas? Don’t you want to add anything else to your list?” To which I replied, “No, this is the thing I really, really want. If I add other things, then what if Santa brings me one of the other things but not the soup cup – the one thing I really want?” My mom laughed, and duly sent the letter on its merry way.

Needless to say, I received a Campbell’s Tomato Soup cup from Santa under the Christmas tree that year. I received other lovely gifts as well. I totally do not remember what they were. For years I enjoyed the awesomeness and alignment of drinking my tomato soup from a tomato soup cup.

After I grew up, I lived and worked in the US, Germany, Taipei and the UK, and that cup came with me everywhere. Unfortunately, after over three decades of use and joy, the cup gave up its last and finally broke. (Yes, I cried when this happened.) Years later, when I was re-locating back to North America permanently and setting up house, my mom and one of my sisters came to see me. They gave me a housewarming gift, which lo and behold, turned out to be a set of antique Campbell’s Tomato Soup cups, one of which was the twin to my original. (And yes, I cried when this happened.) I could tell it was authentic because it had “USA” stamped on the bottom. My sister, who enjoys visiting estate sales, had spotted the cups on one of her outings, and knew how important they would be to me.

Now I drink coffee out of these cups. And I hand wash them instead of using the dishwasher, to give them that little bit of extra care. After all, I don’t want to lose them again.

Because I’ve been fortunate to live and work so many places around the world, it’s the people and food in my life, and objects like the Campbell’s Tomato Soup cup soup, that signify a warm welcome home to me.

Submitted: Carolyn Ford, Western University

London, Ontario

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Submitted: Christina McDade, Lincoln Community School

Toronto, Canada



Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Submitted: Adam Wu, Concourse Global Enrollment, Inc.




Beijing, China

Submitted: Adam Wu, Concourse Global Enrollment, Inc.

Beijing   Beijing


Hangzhou, China

Submitted: Florence Huang, Hangzhou Dipont School of Arts and Science

Hangzhou   Hangzhou

Hangzhou   Hangzhou



Nanjing, China

Submitted: Yeon-Keong (Pearl) Noh, Nanjing International School

China 3



University of Essex

Submitted: Joshua Johnson Thomas, Methodist College Kuala Lumpur



Hong Kong

Submitted: Daniel Van Engelen, Renaissance College Hong Kong

Hong Kong



Delhi, India

Photos Taken By: Shiven Deveshwar, a student at the Shri Ram School

Read more about each photo here.


Delhi, India   Delhi, India

Delhi, India   Delhi, India   Delhi, India


Submitted: Anamika Sethi, Delhi Public School - Gurgaon



Submitted: Naghma Khan, DPS International Edge



Korea, Republic of

Jeju-do, South Korea

Submitted: Nancy Weis-Sanfo, Korea International School Jeju


Seoul, South Korea

Submitted: Wilson Lee, Singapore American School

South Korea   South Korea



"When some of your best friends in life are uni reps who travel to Mexico to celebrate the upcoming nuptials of a couple who met in the field."

Groom: Youssef Wahib

Crew: Rashad Howze, Joshua Ferchau, Scot McClamma, Kristoffer Toribio, Bobby Branigan

Submitted: Kristoffer Toribio, Orange Coast College




Porto, Portugal

Submitted: Bridget Herrera, Retired

Portugal 1   Portugal 2



"Reunited in Scotland to see Taylor Swift!"

Submitted: Rebecca Kelley, Concourse Global Enrollment, Inc.




Rolle, Switzerland

"I had the pleasure of flying from Gatwick (UK) to Geneva in March on personal travel with my two young children to stay with Melanie Batey and her lovely family at Institute Le Rosey in Rolle, Switzerland. It is the first time I've flown as a single parent with my children, and the kindness and hospitality of Melanie, her family, and our friends from neighboring Swiss schools who visited has given me the confidence to explore more of the world with my girls. We had an afternoon of well overdue catch ups, good food and drink, and plenty of laughter with Krista Jacobson (EcolInt), Ben Colliard (EcolInt) and Katrina Edmunds (Int Sch Lausanne). I felt quite overcome with emotion at the joy of bringing my little family to meet my work family, in a place that my heart feels like home."

Submitted: Holly Smith, The University Guys

Switzerland 1

United Arab Emirates

Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Submitted: Adam Wu, Concourse Global Enrollment, Inc.




United States

California, USA

Submitted: Wilson Lee, Singapore American School

California 1

California 2


California, USA

Home for me is with my dear, sweet Mom, Cherie Bauer! She has always inspired me, is my best friend, and I just love her so very much. It was her and my Dad, who were Peace Corps volunteers, who encouraged me to study abroad as a teenager. Even though I spend most of my time in Dubai, we still make time to call every day. Home is where your Mom is.

Submitted: Karen Bauer, EducationUSA REAC: Middle East & Central Asia

California 3

Florida, USA

"Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration." - Charles Dickens

Submitted: Lisa Hollett, International ACAC

Florida   Florida   Florida   Florida   Florida   Florida



Hawai'i, USA

Submitted: Rebecca Kelley, Concourse Global Enrollment, Inc.




New Hampshire, USA 

Home to me is family. No matter how far I go, they are the magnet that draws me back.

Submitted: Jessica Bishop, International ACAC

New Hampshire 1   New Hampshire 2   New Hampshire 3



New York, USA

For many of us, “home” can be a place where we rest our heads or the people that we know and love. Home can also be your place of work or where your fondest memories were made. As an international community, the depth of how we define “home” is a testament to our organization’s unique and rich identity.

Submitted: Andrew Palmer, Irondequoit High School; Francis Miller, Avenues Shenzhen

New York



Texas, USA

Home is a ‘state of the heart’ where I do life with others and become more than I would alone.




Mudzi District, Mashonaland East Province, Zimbabwe

"To me, home is the place that allows me befriend it; I walk, I rest at home without fear of anything."

Submitted: Tendai Murambidzi, Kotwa High School 

Zimbabwe 8   Zimbabwe 2   Zimbabwe 4  
Zimbabwe 1  Zimbabwe 9  Zimbabwe 7
Zimbabwe 3  Zimbabwe 6  Zimbabwe 7


To submit your photos:

  • Post on the Facebook group and hashtag #WelcomeHome
  • Tag us on Instagram (@IntlACAC) and hashtag #WelcomeHome
  • Email your photos to [email protected]
  • Post in the WeChat channel and hashtag #WelcomeHome
By submitting your photo(s), you are agreeing that photo may be shared on our social media, website, in future Conference Update newsletters, and on the big screen at the conference.