International ACAC Membership Dues Waivers

The International Association for College Admission Counseling is proud to offer membership dues waivers. The goal of this program is to support our members in the excellent work being done around the world, by providing those with financial constraints additional support. 

Eligibility Application Requirements 
& Selection Process 

Eligibility for an International ACAC Membership Dues Waiver: 

International ACAC membership is not required to apply for a membership dues waiver; the purpose of these dues waivers is to engage our less-resourced colleagues around the globe. Up to 50 membership dues waivers per year are available for distribution to qualified applicants.
  • All applicants must meet International ACAC membership criteria to be awarded a membership dues waiver.
  • Applicants must provide a signed supervisor agreement.
  • The membership dues waiver is a one-year award that can be granted to the same individual up to three times.
  • Applicants may be asked to provide a letter of reference from a current International ACAC member.
  • Dues Waivers are not available for For-Profit Members.

Application Requirements & Selection Process


  • Applications must be submitted using the online application system.
  • Applications must be submitted by:
    • April 14 (will be reviewed on a rolling basis)
  • Members are limited to only one membership dues waiver per calendar year. The member may reapply for a dues waiver for up to 3 years. 
  • International ACAC membership is not required to apply for a membership dues waiver; both new and current members are eligible.
  • All applicants must meet International ACAC membership criteria to be awarded a dues waiver.
  • Dues Waivers are not available for For-Profit Members.

Application Content

  • Each candidate must demonstrate the support of their institution (or another International ACAC member if self-employed). 
    • Click here to download the Institutional Support Agreement.
  • A current International ACAC member as a reference.


  • Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Questions? Contact [email protected].